It all started with a personal experience

It was 2017, Ann Jackson was in Chicago’s Cancer Center receiving chemotherapy when she overheard the patient next to her ask her husband how they were going to navigate the cost of care.
It wasn’t until after her appointment that Ann realized they were talking about lunch — the patient and her husband were at the hospital for a daylong infusion and weren’t sure they could afford to feed themselves during the appointment.
Ann quickly realized this story was a common one for the folks receiving treatment. A few months later, she attended a lecture on hospital-based food insecurity given by University of Chicago faculty member, Dr. Stacy Lindau. Ann partnered with Dr. Lindau and the leadership team of the cancer center to open a Feed1st pantry in the Comprehensive Cancer Center in November of 2017. Over the next few years the work would continue at the cancer center expanding out into programs in spaces where those facing a cancer diagnosis live and seek support.
In 2020, we formally became the Center for Food Equity in Medicine with programs sharing people at their doors, in places where faces facing a cancer diagnosis receive support and treatment. The Center for Food Equity in Medicine is committed to raising awareness and meeting the nutritional needs for people living with chronic health conditions. Interested in learning more? Join us.

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Our work couldn’t be done without the efforts of our contributors, and gracious volunteers. In 2023, we partnered with